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Our collecting objectives
Ngā Taonga collects audiovisual material that has cultural, social or historical value to Aotearoa New Zealand.
We collect a range of media, including independent film or sound productions, radio and television broadcasts, and non-professional records such as home movies. This includes documentary and fictional stories made about life in New Zealand, taonga that holds mātauranga Māori, and records which document the story of local audiovisual production.
We collect a diverse range of sound and moving-image formats, including nitrate and acetate film, grooved media (such as LPs), magnetic tapes and digital files. We seek to archive and preserve the highest quality source material and prioritise media at risk of obsolescence or decay.
We also may accept Pacific Island material on behalf of countries which have no national film or sound archive, in consideration of our Southeast Asia-Pacific Audiovisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA) responsibilities.
Ngā Taonga aims to collaborate with other local archives and avoid duplicating collections. We may advise potential depositors of other repositories that may be more suited to their material.
Ngā Taonga does not own the majority of our collections, but instead cares for material on behalf of our depositors who retain ownership rights.
If you are interested in depositing material with us, you can find more information here .