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Moving image
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Place of production
New Zealand/Aotearoa
Production company
Moa Films
Interviewer: Clare O’Leary

Wild footage. Interview with Aids sufferer Tom O’Donoghue and his partner Kim.

“...Diagnosed HIV positive in 1988, Tom was one of the first New Zealanders to stand up and say so, combining his personal experience and his background as a health worker to take the prevention message to the community.

A gifted communicator, he was equally at home whether pushing his theme to at-risk homosexual men, sex workers and injecting drug users, or to politicians and bureaucrats...

Many in Wellington knew him from work at the upper Cuba St premises he shared with the Prostitutes Collective and the Wellington Information and Drug Education group. It was a base he chose, he said, because he did not feel rejected or marginalised there.

He also worked in prisons, lectured to police recruits, conducted radio talkbacks, spoke to health professionals, community groups, schools and through the media...

Tom co-founded the National People Living with AIDS Union, was a member of the government’s advisory National Council on AIDS, and a trustee of the NZ AIDS Foundation...

Tom is survived by Kim, his partner of 10 years.” “Beacon Dimmed”, City Voice on NZ AIDS Memorial Quilt website; http://aidsquilt.org.nz; 27/03/2014