ONE NEWS. 16/01/2005

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News, sport and weather.
Today was the official day of mourning in New Zealand for victims of the Boxing Day Tsunami. Bishop Richard Randerson (Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral); Helen Clark (Prime Minister); Daud Azimullah (Acting President of New Zealand Muslim Association); Reverend David Cappel Rice (St Paul's Cathedral); Peter Chin (Dunedin Mayor).

Australia also observed a day of remembrance for victims of the Boxing Day Tsunami.

Police have revealed that Marton pensioner Mona Morriss was sexually assaulted before she was killed. Mary Henley (Daughter); Detective Senior Sergeant Mike Arnerich (Inquiry head); Andrew Morriss (Grandson); Glenn Meade (Daughter).

Green Party Co-Leader has made a speech regarding possible coalitions in this election year. Jeanette Fitzsimons (Green Party Co-Leader).

One of the US soldiers at the centre of the Iraqi prisoner abuse scandal has been found guilty on all counts and sentenced to ten years in jail. Guy Womack (Defence Attorney); Mike Kirsch (NBC News).

Mahmoud Abbas has been sworn in as Palestinian President and called for a mutual ceasefire with Israel even as militants attacked Israeli targets.

Nelson Mandela today buried his son who had died of AIDs last week. He is seeking to bring discussion of the disease out into the open. Willie Selepe.

Boxing Day Tsunami. A New Zealand man is making water safe to drink in Banda Aceh. Brent Thornton (New Zealand Defence Force).

Scientists have discovered that large mudpiles underwater off the coast of New Zealand that, if they formed a landslide, could create a tsunami like the Boxing Day Tsunami. Dr Lionel Carter (NIWA Oceanographer).

Members of the Tuhoe tribe today got a chance to show their anger to members of the Waitangi Tribunal over the Crown's old 'scorched earth' policy. Annette Sykes (Lawyer to Claimants); Tame Iti (Claimant); Tama Nikora (Claimant); Hukarere Williams (Claimant); Tini Molyneux (Maori Correspondent).

Attempts to keep to noise restrictions at Western Springs Speedway have taken a dangerous turn. Michael Kendall (NZ Midget Car Champion).