News, sport and weather.
Main stories:
Stock market falls further.
Detective heading the Rainbow Warrior inquiry dismisses plea for the arrested French couple to have special consideration because of their military rank.
Majority of French people sceptical about Tricot report. More than half of people interviewed belief French secret services bombed the Rainbow Warrior.
The Prime Minister Mr. Lange has said NZ won’t be handing over evidence on the Rainbow Warrior bombing to the French Government.
NZ’s new High Commissioner to London is expected to be announced tomorrow.
A deputation of farmers from Hakataramea Valley North of Oamaru has left Wellington confident of getting government help because of the drought.
A team of five fraud squad detectives is being helped by money market experts in trying to unravel the complexities of foreign exchange as they investigate allegations of a Broadbank fraud.
Convicted drugs dealer Peter Falter appeared in court today on 18 charges relating to the 1980 holdup of the Symonds Street Branch of the BNZ.
The Australian High Court Judge and former Attorney General , Lionel Murphy, has been sentenced to 18 months in jail for trying to pervert the course of justice.
Hurricane “Ellina” hits the Mississippi coast of the USA.
British PM Thatcher reshuffles her cabinet.
Black mine workers strike in South Africa gains only partial support. Both employers and unions both accuse each other of intimidation.
NZ nurses to help wounded Afghan rebels in a Pakistan Red Cross hospital.
Chairman of ARA holds on to post despite majority of members passing a no confidence vote in his chairmanship.
Hope for end to ARA bus drivers strike.
NZ Musicians Union angry with John Rowles for using only Australian musicians on his tour.
The price of fuel oil to drop 5c a litre.
The American manufacturer of the IUD contraceptive device , the Dalcon Shield, is facing financial trouble. Spokeswoman of NZ women seeking damages against the Company, Sandra Coney, said that claims will move slower and there could be out of court settlements.
A team of army medics left for Fiji to begin a fly spraying operation on the island of Rotoma. The flies spread an eye infection called trachoma.
The Health Department wants all GPs to counsel patients at high risk of getting Aids.
An American /French research team, which located the wreck of the Titanic using robot vehicles,denies it wants to refloat the vessel.
Most river systems in NZ are now polluted according to a study released today.
According to Chris Hickey of the Hamilton Water Quality Centre swift flowing streams are less able to cope with pollution than slow flowing ones. Two thirds of the pollutants discharges in this country are made into swift flowing streams.
Formal evidence supporting Aotearoa Broadcasting has been lodged with the Broadcasting Tribunal for a third TV channel.
Polynesian reggae group ” Herbs” has achieved its first golden record.
The British menswear Association says Prince Charles is a “dull and boring dresser” and should leave the choice of his wardrobe to his fashion conscious wife, Princess Diana.