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It has been a controversial month for the Government, with Helen Clark being sued by Peter Doone, revelations about Iraqi immigrants formerly linked to Saddam Hussein, Dover Samuels wetting his pants, a damning 111 inquiry, police discovered to be looking at porn on their work computers plus the Foot and Mouth scare on Waiheke Island. But despite all this, the latest Colmar Brunton Poll shows little impact on the Government, with the only opposition parties gaining being the Maori Party and New Zealand First. Winston Peters (New Zealand First Leader); Mark Sainsbury (Political Editor).
Health charities are warning that some African nations may be facing an explosion of Aids as rates rise higher than was previously thought possible. Swaziland in particular is affected. Hilary Anderson (BBC Correspondent, Swaziland).
As many as 500 people may have been killed when police in Uzbekistan opened fire on thousands of protesters. The President has blamed Islamic extremists for the trouble.
Taiwan has won a small victory against China after regaining control of the small island of Naru.
The equipment to monitor smog in Christchurch has been updated by the regional council and found that the problem may be worse than thought. The new standards may make it harder for the city to meet new environmental requirements which is infuriating business leaders who fear they will be rejected for permits. Plus a new program being taught at over 200 primary schools around New Zealand, Enviroschool, aims to have an entire generation grow up knowing how important the environment is. Teresa Aberkane (Environment Canterbury); Richard Budd (Environment Canterbury); Tom Fraser (Reporting from Christchurch); Ruth Corin (Verran Primary School); Luke Archer (Verran Primary School); Jeanette Dunning (Verran Primary School Principal); Claire Archer (Parent).