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News and Current Affairs.

Main Stories:
An interview with New Zealand born British Labour Party MP Brian Gould, who has just secured a seat on the British Labour Party’s National Executive. Speaker: Brian Gould (British Labour MP).

In Vancouver delegates have been arriving for the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) summit amongst rumours the Queen will formally announce Fiji is no longer a member of the Commonwealth. The key leader on the Fiji issue is expected to be India’s Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. Speaker: Rajiv Gandhi (Indian Prime Minister).

A special report on the travelling Royal Commission on Social Policy, “Social Policy Debate: Policy and the People”. There is growing scepticism about the Commission in the wake of Rogernomics. Speakers: David Lange (Prime Minister), Ann Ballin (Royal Commissioner), Ros Noonan (Royal Commissioner), Professor Ian Shirley (Massey University), Doug Myers (Vice-Chair, Business Roundtable), Michael Bradley (Commission Witness), Simon Upton (Social Welfare Spokesman, National).

Other Stories:
Colonel Rabuka does not believe reports that the Queen is about to announce that Fiji is no longer a member of the Commonwealth. Meanwhile the Fijian Governor General believes constitutional changes are needed in Fiji to protect the indigenous Fijian population. Speakers: Dr Turin Baba (Deposed Fijian Minister), Ratu Sir Penaia Ganilau (Governor General Fiji).

Indian troops are taking strong action against Tamil Tiger forces in Sri Lanka.

The United States Navy is escorting re-flagged tankers out of the Persian Gulf. The Americans are on high alert following Iranian claims to have Stinger missiles in their armoury.

In Jerusalem there have been clashes between Jewish fundamentalists and Palestinians.

A whale came ashore at Te Kaha on the East Coast.

Controversial author David Irving is visiting New Zealand, having just published a book highly critical of Winston Churchill. Speaker: David Irving.

Post Office union officials say over 500 post office might be closed, with a loss of over 1000 jobs. Speaker: Ron Burgess (Post Office Union).

Prices firmed on the share market today.


Rajiv Ghandi faces a number of problems back home in India. Speaker: Rajiv Gandhi.

Britain has frozen its contributions to the European Space Agency. Speaker: Kenneth Clarke (British Trade Minister).

Greenpeace activists in Antwerp, Belgium, are trying to stop a ship leaving port which is designed to burn toxic wastes out at sea. Speaker: Andy Booth (Greenpeace).

An emotional rally was held in Washington calling for more funding for HIV/AIDS treatment, and for equal rights for homosexuals. Speakers: Robert Pitman, Eleanor Smeal (Fmr Pres Natl Org for Women), Will Reiger (AIDS Victim), John Horn (AIDS victim), Robert Blake (Actor), Rep Gerry Studds (Democrat, Massachusetts), Avram Finkelstein, Cleve Jones (Quilt Creator).

George Bush, United States Vice- President, will announce tomorrow that he is seeking the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Speakers: George Bush, Norman Ornstein (Political Analyst), Lee Atwater (Bush Campaign Manager).

One million pounds has been spent on a search for the Loch Ness monster, but nothing has been found so far. Speaker: Adrian Shine (Organiser).