News and Current Affairs.
Main Stories:
There are signs that China’s hard-liners are consolidating their control behind loyal troops and tanks. The apparent architect of the Tiananmen Square massacre, Premier Li Peng, appeared for the first time in days to publicly praise the military units who did his bidding. But it is still unclear just how secure the old guard’s grip on power really is. However, there are ominous signs of a purge to come: protest leaders have been ordered to surrender, or to be tracked down wherever they go. Two reports.
Foreigners have been leaving China in droves. The first New Zealanders to get out arrived home today and spoke of their experiences.
A report on the reaction in Hong Kong to events in China. Speakers: Greg Hedges (Business Consultant), Phil Goff (Employment Minister).
There has been speculation out of Hong Kong that the Government’s planned sale of New Zealand Steel to the Chinese Communist Party company Minmetal may be threatened, with financiers apparently reluctant to fund the deal.
A report on the state controlled Chinese media’s coverage of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Other Stories:
Police have reacted angrily to a cost-cutting review of their department by former Cabinet Minister Derek Quigley, and the scrapping of recruits this year. Speakers: John Banks (Opposition Police Spokesman), John Jamieson (police Commissioner).
Ansett New Zealand has had a temporary setback in its bid to fly internationally. Civil Aviation Minister Bill Jeffries has rejected the airline’s interim application of an overseas license.
Soviet fighter plane crash.
AIDS vaccine.
In New York New Zealand has come out on top of the first day of renewed legal argument over the America’s Cup. Speakers: Judge Harold Tyler (San Diego Club Laywer), George Tompkins (NZ Syndiate Lawyer).
The financial row between the Maori Affairs Department and a Maori development group looks likely to be settled in court. Speaker: Bert McLean (Tamaki Maori Development Authority).
One of New Zealand’s political pioneers was farewelled at a funeral in Kerikeri today. Vern Cracknell was the country’s first Social Credit MP.
The new All Whites coach is Ian Marshall.