ONE NETWORK NEWS. 25/05/1991

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Television New Zealand
Presenter: Angela D'Audney
Presenter: Jeremy Coney
Reporter: Ed Stourton
Reporter: Richard Harman
Reporter: Allanah James
Reporter: Elizabeth Raizis
Reporter: Mark Price
Reporter: Geoff Bryant

Rajiv Gandhi funeral was held in New Deli today

Prime Minister Jim Bolger has embarked on a series of speeches aimed at preparing the country for big changes in the welfare system. The government is committed to putting much of the welfare state on a user pays basis.

Opposition leader Mike Moore has warned that Auckland will be the major battle ground over changes to the welfare state.

Since the government pulled the plug on the GP’s contracts scheme, patients are staying away in droves, especially in rural districts. Speakers: Dr Martin London, (Rural GPS Association); Dr Tim Hanbury-Webber, (Kaikoura GP).

The European Community has agreed to cut some subsidies as it struggles to contain the ballooning cost of farm protection. Speakers: John Parker, (Dairy Board Chief Exec); David Plummer, (Bonds General Manager).

A Dunedin actor who played the part of a man with aids is suffering as a result as his friends and family were led to believe he really had the disease. He blames an article in the local newspaper for the confusion. Speaker: Patrick Davies, (Actor).

Auckland beat Wellington at Rugby League 56 8 at Auckland’s Carlaw Park.

The Soviet Union beat Nelson Bay’s at rugby 23 22

The touring Romanian rugby team were beaten by Hawkes Bay 24 17 at McLean Park in Napier.

Wellington zoo’s latest arrival a 7 month old giraffe arrived today from Melbourne. Speaker: Sherri Huntress, (Curator/Veterinarian)