D SERIES - Edward Puttick Farewell

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RNZ Collection

D SERIES - Chief of NZ General Staff Lt.-Gen. Sir Edward Puttick makes a farewell broadcast shortly after retiring from his position in 1945. Includes comments about a farewell tour of New Zealand, principles of deployment and concentrating troops, resisting temptation to join Pacific war, wasted shipping on unnecessary troop movements, strengthening security in South Pacific, home defence mobilisation, defence of British Empire is a priority over local defence, early implications of atomic warfare, future forms of armed forces, morale of forces and of civilians, officer training, and finishes by expressing thanks to public bodies, civilians, army, women's services and his staff.

order disc file details
1 D595.1 sa-d-00595-01-pm The N.Z. Army Farewell Broadcast by Lt.-Gen. Sir
Edward Puttick K.C.B D.S.O. For Sunday 27th Jan, duration: 12'53"