0600 News/Sport
0615 Good Morning "Rural" NZ : See Rural Report Rundown
0630 News/Weather/Māori News
0640 Report from our Mana News team
0645 Pacific Regional News : Ex RNZ International
0650 Business and financial news. Margaret Inge.
00:03:14 ANTHONY JOHNSON: Nelson Mandels presided over his first cabinet meeting today. Anthony Johnson
00:03:05 MANDELA: A visit to New Zealand by the new South African President now seems certain. Kathryn Street
00:03:01 RAIL: Today the Cook Strait Ferry worker unions will meet NZR for the first time since the company confirmed its intention to lock their members out. Mark Torley
00:00:32 INTEREST: The bank which led the latest round of interest rate rises fears all major home lenders will struggle to absorb the extra costs of the new lower mortgage rate. Anna Hughes
00:03:07 RYDER: The Justice Department says it can't release details of the community care programme that former psychiatric patient Barry Ryder is to undertake in Wanganui. Stephen Parker LIVE
00:04:07 RYAN: A recent spate of attacks on warders at Mt Eden jail in Auckland is raising serious concern. Kevin Ryan WEATHER:
00:01:53 TODD: The long awaited report by the Todd Taskforce on funding tertiary education is being released today. Stephen Parker
00:01:44 ETHNIC: The presence in New Zealand of South African white-supremacist, Dr Jan Smith has alarmed the Federation of Ethnic Councils. Glenda Wakeham i/v Philip Khouri
00:01:09 SOUTH AFRICA JUDGE: A judge in South Africa has sentenced to death six members of the extreme right-wing group the AWB for murdering four black people last year. Colin Blane
00:01:48 ITALIAN ELECTIONS: The Italian President Luiqi Scalfaro has sworn in a new right-wing government led by the media magnate Silvio Berlusconi. David Willey
00:01:20 JAPAN: The opposition socialists in Japan have called for the Prime Minister Tsutomu Hata to hold an early general election. Jill McGivering illegible PAPERS: illegible NEWS:
00:03:40 FRASER ECONOMY: The economies of the countries of the twelve member European Union are picking up faster than had earlier been predicted. John Fraser LIVE
00:04:16 HAMMER: The Ambassador for the European Union is currently visiting New Zealand. Dietrich Hammer LIVE illegible DIEWERT: A Canadian economist has Just completed a study looking at the cost to the New Zealand economy of the taxation system. Professor Erwin Diewert
00:01:35 FIRE: There appears to be a breakthrough in the Fire Service dispute. Mark Torley
00:02:17 SAFETY: The CTU is launching a report today which damns the year old Health and Safety in Employment Act as ineffective. Kerry Lamont i/v Ross Wilson - CTU
00:04:41 SOUTH AFRICA SPORT: With South Africa's democratic government now in place, some people will be looking beyond political rhetoric to more everyday relations with the Republic. Murray Wright LIVE
00:03:22 GRESHAM: The social welfare Minister, Peter Gresham says the Government will ask the high court for an urgent declaratory judgement to decide whether mortgage insurance payouts should be considered income or not. Peter Gresham LIVE
00:03:19 WITHERSPOON: Doctors at the University College London Medical School have made a breakthrough in treating some forms of stomach cancer. Andrew Witherspoon
00:02:02 MORNING COMMENT: David Leavy LIVE
00:05:06 FRUIT AND VEG: Jack Forsythe