A Feltex Award-winning documentary on the 1970 National Banjo Pickers' Convention, in Hamilton. Featured players (each in still photos following the title) are Frank Sillay, Stoney Lonesome, Max Winnie, Bill Clifton “... and others including: the Hamilton County Blue Grass Band”. The still photo of the latter cuts to them playing. Attendees arrive at the Convention campsite at night and the [next] day. Seating is set up in a [sports] hall. Tents are set up. Performers on the outdoor stage with a seated audience. [Organisers] talk over cups of tea at (sign:) “NBPC Headquarters”. Enthusiastic folk dancing in hall. Guitar and [double bass] duet by parked vehicles. A couple walk in shade of trees. Banjo pickers seated on ground at campsite. Performers on stage.