Breaking News: The Police are holding a meeting with the families of the 29 Pike River Miners.
Jack Tame (TVNZ Reporter - speaking from Greymouth).
Flood waters have submerged large sectors of Brisbane while Queensland's death toll continues to rise. It currently stands at 15. The disaster unfolding in Queensland is being caused by La Nina, but is climate change also playing a part in causing this devastating flooding?
Melissa Stokes (TVNZ Reporter - live from Brisbane); Anna Bligh (Queensland Premier); voxpop; Donna-Marie Lever (TVNZ Reporter - live from Ipswich); Neil Smith (Ipswich City Council); Felicity Urquhart (Shop Owner); Mitch Brown (Shop Owner); Paula Millar (Ipswich Resident); Jason Millar (Ipswich Resident); Paul Pisasale (Ipswich Mayor - speaking from Ipswich); Philip Duncan (; Professor Martin Manning (Victoria University Climate Change Research).
The Cook Islands Government has announced it will ensure international human rights standards are observed while dealing with the case of a worker who has tested positive for HIV Aids.
President Obama has visited Arizona to pay tribute to the victims of the mass shooting by gunman Jared Loughner at a political rally.
Barack Obama (US President).
Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin has caused controversy with her comments about the Arizona shooting.
Sarah Palin (Former Alaskan Governor).
Mental Health professionals are keeping a close eye on Christchurch residents affected by the earthquake in September, many of whom are reportedly having trouble sleeping and are highly stressed.
Kathryn McNeill (Kaiapoi Resident); Cerina Altenburg (Pegasus Health); Major Mike Allright (Salvation Army).
The Police operation to recover the bodies of the 29 Pike River miners is now officially over.
Jack Tame (TVNZ Reporter - live from Greymouth).