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Rights Information
Media type
Moving image

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Place of production
United Kingdom
Production company
Jury’s Imperial Pictures

This film shows the inspection of the battle cruiser the HMS New Zealand, a gift to the Royal Navy by the New Zealand government, by His Majesty King George V at the Portsmouth Royal Dockyard on 5 February 1913. It is one of a number of films taken of the construction, launch, inspection and visit to New Zealand of HMS New Zealand during the period 1911 to 1913.

From notes by Chris Pugsley.

King George V at gangway of HMS New Zealand shakes hands with Rear Admiral Herbert Leopold Heath and staff, Royal train and other dignitaries wearing top hats in background. King George ascends gangway, Winston Churchill in background meets officer. Guard of Honour receives Royal party on deck, which is covered in a canvas awning. King George inspects Guard of Honour in background, while dignitaries in foreground standing in front of sailors wait, group includes Winston Churchill and Thomas Mackenzie. Sailors remove hats as King, escorted by Captain Lionel Halsey, inspects them, followed by Winston Churchill. King walks through the middle of Royal party, stopping briefly to talk to Sir Joseph Ward, then heads below deck. Sailors march off, away from camera, while dignitaries talk, Sir John Jellicoe joins group which includes Thomas Mckenzie. Sailors march towards camera carrying canvas awning while sailors climb awning supports in background.

Dignitaries and ship's officers get ready for formal photo sitting beneath the New Zealand coat of arms. King George talks to men standing in front of group and eventually sits down, other dignitaries follow. Men sit down on floor in front of group. Photo taken and group disperses.

King George (out of shot) pats bulldog puppy "Pelorus Jack", while dignitaries including Sir Hedworth Meux and Jellicoe and sailors in background look on. Captain Halsey leads King George away from "Pelorus Jack" and past Marine Band members wearing white helmets. Other dignitaries walk past band, including Churchill, Jellicoe and James Allen.

Sailor signals with semaphore flags while another sailor looks through a telescope.

View from bow looking towards two 12" gun turret, with bridge tower in background.

King George descends gangway as officers salute him, followed by Meux. King George talks to officer. Officer directs dignitaries to their carriages in Royal train, James Allen in background.