
Iconic Nineties nostalgia from Head Like a Hole, Shihad and more.

Head Like a Hole, “Fish Across Face”

Could this be 'the most' New Zealand video? It's full on and includes body paint, mud, tribal getups, crash zooms, chaotic camera work and distorted lenses. It's also filmed at the beach, a rubbish dump and on a bouncy castle. This was the first single from over-the-top Wellington rockers Head Like a Hole. It was both a finalist for Best Music Video of the Year and was banned by TVNZ.

Read more about Head Like a Hole on the Audioculture website .

Collection reference F32492
Year 1992
Credits Director: Nigel Streeter


Sisters Underground, “In the Neighbourhood”

A warm and charming stroll through the streets of Mangere Bridge: 'there goes the neighbourhood'. The Sisters (Brenda Makammeoafi and Hassanah Iroegbu) are joined by many members of the community in this video co-directed by artist Greg Semu and video maestro Kerry Brown. It presents a simple 'slice of life' view.

Read more about Sisters Underground on the Audioculture website .

Collection reference F32501
Year 1994
Credits Directed by Greg Semu and Kerry Brown


Bailter Space, “Splat”

Now here's a clever trick. Play your instruments backwards, film it and reverse it. Shot in New York on 16mm film in a continuous take, the band perform while various other tricks play out – objects thrown and people walking and eating 'backwards'. Directed by American producer Julie Hermelin.

Read more about Bailter Space on the Audioculture website .

Collection reference F32529
Year 1995
Credits Director: Julie Hermelin


Dam Native, "Behold My Kool Style”

A classic from Jonathan King and the self-proclaimed 'pioneers of horrified hip hop' Dam Native. Building on the idea from rapper Danny Haimona, the crew are shown in the style of Māori portraiture from the late 19th century. The director notes that this old look was 'achieved by making a print off the negative, which the cinematographer and I battered, scratched and mangled. We scanned that, as well as the negative, giving a really organic, old film look'.

Read more about Dam Native on the Audioculture website .

Collection reference F32712
Year 1996
Credits Director: Jonathan King


Shihad, “Home Again”

The way many Kiwis remember daylight savings: 'put your clock back for the winter'. Popping primaries, lens effects and the film speed cranked up makes this a frantic, fun video. Though filmed in one take, it also has a monitor showing parts of the off-screen action.

Read more about Shihad on the Audioculture website .

Collection reference F32728
Year 1997