Film reel.


Stories about the preservation and archiving of the audiovisual taonga we hold.

1 to 23 of 23 items

27 October 2023

Rokirokitia is an unprecedented programme of community based magnetic media digitisation.

24 August 2023

A look at the technical elements of a major preservation project.
A strip of film from the series Tangata Whenua on the workbench

13 July 2023

A look at the human element of a major preservation project.
Behind the scenes photo of a film crew shooting an interview at a marae in the 1970s

26 August 2022

Ngā Taonga Tuku Iho is a five-part online series about the practice of archiving taonga Māori.
Mai and Khali select a videotape from the vault.

20 July 2021

We all have a role to play in keeping this language alive through discovery and adoption.
A silver microphone against a background of Māori carvings.

30 March 2021

Each year the nitrate film collection of Ngā Taonga is ‘wound through’ as an essential part of its safe keeping.

9 June 2020

Moving out of their long-term premises proved to both a logistical and emotional challenge for Ngā Taonga staff – and that’s without including the COVID-19 pandemic.
Empty shelving at Ngā Taonga on level two at Taranaki Street.

1 June 2020

Our Kaupapa Māori Gareth Seymour was the recipient of the 2019 Paul Reynolds 'No Numpties' Grant.
The indigenous cataloguing team at CBC in Yellowknife.

19 May 2020

What do you do when you’re working on a special archiving project in another country and a pandemic hits?
Cook Island Archivists, Kate Ngatokorua & Susan Love, with Ngā Taonga's Chief Executive, Honiana Love (left).

27 February 2020

What are the inner workings of an audiovisual archive? Who are the people that do the actual archiving?
film preservation team photo, Kurt looking down at film bench

3 November 2019

Archive Fives is a series that looks at the five Preservation Services teams that are part of Collection Services at Ngā Taonga.
Charlotte Thompson Darling and Tracy White in the Rust + Restoration exhibition.

23 October 2019

Working in the galleries, libraries, archives and museums sector (or GLAM as it is known), it is really special when unexpected links are formed.
Decorated handle of a wooden paddle from the Solomon Islands.

1 May 2019

Boxes and boxes and boxes. Archives collect a huge amount of material – it’s all part of caring for the nation’s audiovisual memories.
Archiving shelves at Ngā Taonga.

8 April 2019

Adam Sondej is a big fan of videotape. Most of his career has involved working with the stuff and he can rattle off all sorts of details about it.
Adam Sondej holding the delicate circuitry inside the AMPEX VPR-80.

5 December 2016

Learn about New Zealand's earliest surviving piece of film and our work to restore it.
Film reel undergoing restoration.

11 November 2016

Charlie Chilcott's unique record of projectionists, projectors and cinemas.

27 October 2016

Ngā Taonga archivists have unravelled the mystery of New Zealand’s second-oldest surviving film.

25 May 2016

Restored footage of the Bastion Point occupation and eviction is returned to the people and place it was filmed.

16 May 2016

Fixtures such as staples, wiro bindings, bull clips, pins, and metal clasps can – over many years – damage archival documents by creating indents, tears and rust residue.
A large jar of fixtures, including staples, wiro bindings, bull clips, pins, and metal clasps.

17 December 2014

This year, Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision became caretaker of a powerful piece of film restoration technology.
Richard Falkner with the ARRISCAN, a film scanner.

1 July 2014

We are preserving a unique series of around 300 discs of music by New Zealand composers and early broadcasts by the National Orchestra.

28 November 2013

A story of ethics and values with modern day archivists.
Round Yellow Cartoon Sign saying 'Be Nice to the Archivists - they can erase you from history.

24 October 2013

It begins in 1975 in Germany. I was in my late teens when I set out to upgrade my film hobby from S8 film to 16mm.
Still from film 'Blue Bottles', showing Elsa Lanchester. (1928)