A man in a lab coat winding film in a preservation suite

Announcing our new Strategic Plan 2024-2030

23 Jul 2024
Ngā Taonga releases its new strategic plan.

We are delighted to release our new Strategic Plan 2024-2030. The new Plan both draws from the past and looks to the future.

Ngā Taonga has only been an entity in our current form since 2014. The outgoing Strategic Plan 2019-2024 was the first for us as an organisation and saw us enter a period where we had both long-term financial security and a vision for how we would grow as an archive. These shaped major changes in the way we work.

Over the next six years we’re going to be putting our efforts into five key areas:

Te Ao Māori – reflecting and validating Māori knowledge, perspective and aspirations in our values, plans and actions.

Innovation – adopting not only technology but new ways of thinking that set us up well for future challenges.

Population change – adapting to the changing make-up of Aoteroa New Zealand, and how demographic changes will impact audience types and expectations.

Digital capability – processing an increasing flow of digital content and understanding what it means to be a digital archive.

Community / collaboration – working in partnership with communities to share our expertise so they manage and care for their taonga in the way they wish to.

Alongside this, we’ll still maintain our long-term focus on connecting people with the taonga in our care. Sharing our stories increases our sense of understanding each other, and our histories. Our recorded heritage is a fundamental building block of our identity, from which we can all create a strong and unique future as a nation.

This is an exciting time for us as an archive, and we would love you to share our journey. Our new Strategic Plan is available to read here.