Ngā Taonga Tumu Whakarae Honiana Love (Te Ātiawa, Taranaki, Ngā Ruahinerangi) gave this extremely popular oral history of place names used by mana whenua for the Wellington region. Coinciding with Matariki and a time of reflection, this kōrero to a packed auditorium resonated with an increasing interest in traditional place names. 'There’s been a resurgence', Love said, 'with old names coming out of the landscape'.
Watch the presentation below. Presented in partnership with the National Library of New Zealand and Wellington City Libraries.
The day before this kōrero, the National Library held their first Public History Talk for 2020. Memorials, names and ethical remembering asked 'How do we remember the past? What place do colonial memorials have in public spaces? How can we better represent diverse histories in the landscape?' A recording of that Talk is available here. With thanks to the National Library, Manatū Taonga Ministry for Culture and Heritage, and NZ History.
The map Honiana refers to is available to view here.
Hero image: Honiana Love.