Tagata o te Moana. 2009-12-04

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Tagata o te Moana, 2001-
Pacific Island radio programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
04 Dec 2009
RNZ Collection
Wiseman, Don, Presenter, Radio New Zealand International
Campbell, I. C. (Ian Christopher), 1947-, Interviewee

A half-hourly programme of news and events in the South Pacific for a New Zealand audience. Prepared by Radio New Zealand International for broadcast on Radio New Zealand National, Saturdays approximately 17:30-18:00.

Pacific Island countries maintain high hopes that climate change talks in Copenhagen will yield positive results for them;
The people of Tonga's Niuatoputapu feel ignored by their government two months after the tsunami disaster;
An update on the situation on the south coast of Upolu in Samoa, also hit by the tsunami;
French Polynesia's former leader, Gaston Flosse, is back in jail;
The implications of Fiji's decision to use the Chief Justice to stand-in for the President as head of state;
New Caledonia takes over from Paris responsibility for running its secondary schools;
Claims by Fiji police that they have made a huge drug find;
Professor Ian Campbell from the University of the South Pacific's School of Social Sciences comments on Tonga's political reforms.
Source: Radio New Zealand iNEWS