Checkpoint. 1988-04-07.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
07 Apr 1988
RNZ Collection
Janice Aplin, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Timoci Uluivuda Bavadra, 1934-1989, Interviewee
Kelvin Dick, Reporter
Richard Prebble, Interviewee
John FERNYHOUGH, Interviewee
John Collinge, Interviewee
Alan JENKINS, Interviewee
Dr Rod Deane, Interviewee

Episode of news and current affairs programme 'Checkpoint' from 7 April 1988.
Opening theme music, greeting from Janice Aplin followed by intro to tonight's stories.

It's now practically a year since a coalition government led by Dr Timoci Bavadra came to power in Fiji, a government that was to last a bare month before it was deposed in a coup led by military officer, Brigadier Rambuka.
Janice Aplin interviews Dr Timoci Bavadra (Former Prime Minister, Fiji) in the studio.

The Auckland Power Board and Electricorp are still at loggerheads over a fair price for electricity. Electricorp now negotiates directly with power boards over the bulk price and in the harsh realities of the commercial world the negotiations have hit a snag with the powerful Auckland Board.
Report by Kelvin Dick
Richard Prebble, SOE's Minister.
John Fernyhough, Chairman, Electricorp.
John Collinge, Chairman, Auckland Electric Power Board.
Alan Jenkins, General Manager, Policy, Ministry of Energy.
Dr Rod Deane, Electricorp.

Janice Aplin reads news headlines then concludes programme, theme music plays.