
Checkpoint. 1988-06-16.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
16 Jun 1988
RNZ Collection
Bronwen Evans, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
G. (Geoffrey) Blake-Palmer, 1909-1980, Interviewee
Jim Bolger, 1935-, Interviewee
Ian RAMSAY, Interviewee
Leslie BROWN, Interviewee
Kelvin Dick, Reporter
David ROBIE, Interviewee
Gene Larocque

Episode of news and current affarirs programme 'Checkpoint' from 16 June 1988. Opening theme music, greeting from Janice Aplin followed by intro to tonight's stories.

The Minister of Justice says there's no evidence that there's an epidemic of white collar crime in New Zealand and he's dismissed allegations of massive fraud by the so-called gang of 20 - as nothing more than media hype.
Report by Bronwen Evans
Geoffrey Palmer, Justice Minister
Jim Bolger, Opposition Leader
Ian Ramsay, Head Corporate Fraud Squad
Leslie Brown, Lecturer in Commercial Law, Victoria University

There's growing optimism this evening of a change for peace in New Caledonia. French Prime Minister Michel Rocard has announced he hopes agreement can be reached within a fortnight on a peace plan following his 4 hour meeting with separatist lead Jean-Marie Tjibaou and Kanak leader Jacques Lafleur in Paris.
Report by Kelvin Dick
David Robie, Specialist in Pacific Affairs

President Reagan's dream of a defence umbrella to protect the US from Soviet missiles - his Star Wars system - has had an increasingly difficult time of late, with congressional objections to the amount of money being poured into the project.
Report by Janice Aplin
Admiral Gene Larocque, Director Centre for Defence Information, Washington

Headline News