
Checkpoint. 1988-06-22.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
22 Jun 1988
RNZ Collection
Jim Bolger, 1935-, Interviewee
Moana Jackson, Interviewee
Kelvin Dick, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Mark Colvin, Reporter, Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Janice Aplin, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Mr John Litchfield, Interviewee
Salin Lohn, Interviewee
Bruce Cone

Episode of news and current affarirs programme 'Checkpoint' from 22 June 1988. Opening theme music, greeting from Philip Whaanga followed by intro to tonight's stories.

A group of Māori lawyers are claiming that politicians are fostering a pakeha backlash by spreading misinformation about Waitangi Tribunal recommendations. The latest example is the Muriwhenua report with Opposition leader Jim Bolger signalling a backlash if the fisheries are taken over by the tribes. But the tribunal was clear in its main recommendation.
Report by Philip Whaanga
Jim Bolger, Leader of the Opposition
Moana Jackson, Lawyer

The controversy over the New Caledonia hostage drama has taken a new twist. An Australian journalist has just completed an investigation into what happened when French security forces ended the seizure which points to 2 Kanaks being murdered by the security forces after the rescue in May, in which 24 hostages were released and 19 Kanaks died.
Report by Kelvin Dick
Mark Colvin, ABC TV Reporter

Leaders of the 7 major industrialised nations have ended their summit in Toronto, with bouquets to outgoing President Reagan, and agreement on only one economic issue - aid for the poorest of the third world debtor nations.
Report by Janice Aplin
John Litchfield, London Independent Newspaper
Salin Lohn, Kenyan, United Nations Africa Recovery Programme (Both ex tapes)
Bruce Cone, Africa Information Centre

Headline News