
Checkpoint. 1988-07-05.

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
05 Jul 1988
RNZ Collection
Bronwen Evans, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Brian Tyler, Interviewee
Graham C. (Graham Cecil) Scott, 1942-, Interviewee
Helen Hughes, Interviewee
Roger BLAKELY, Interviewee
Aila TAYLOR, Interviewee
Penny St. John, Reporter
Colin James, Interviewee
Jeanne Walker, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Michael Oliver, Interviewee

Headline News

Episode of news and current affarirs programme 'Checkpoint' from 5 July 1988. Opening theme music, greeting from Philip Whaanga followed by intro to tonight's stories.

The foundation for a new-look public service are currently being laid as the chief executives of government departments sign contracts with the government outlining their plans for the coming year. The Secretary of the Treasury told a conference in public administration that he was still preparing his contract with the government which he said will ensure a mucher higher level of accountability.
Report by Bronwen Evans
Brian Tyler, Auditor General
Graham Scott, Secretary, Treasury

Local authorities in Taranaki are defying a Waitangi Tribunal decision by continuing planning for a waste outfall at Waitara without the recommended land based treatment.
Report by Philip Whaanga
Helen Hughes, Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Roger Blakely, Secretary Users Group
Aila Taylor, Te Atiawa

Cabinet Ministers are believed to be seriously considering an education campaign to justify and explain the Treaty of Waitangi, following increasing signs of widespread division in the community particularly about the Tribunal's recent fishing decision.
Report by Penny St John
Colin James, Political Analyst

Papua New Guinea's Governor General has sworn in a new caretaker cabinet following the vote of no confidence against former Prime Minister Paias Wingti yesterday.
Report by Jeanne Walker
Professor Michael Oliver, Political Department, University of Papua New Guinea