Checkpoint. 1988-09-16.

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Checkpoint, 1984-03-01, 1985-05-31, 1986-01-13--1998-10-30, 2000-05-08--2014
Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
16 Sep 1988
RNZ Collection
Jenny Davies, Presenter
Jeanne Walker, Producer
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster

Australia's relations with Fiji have suffered a rupture only days before the South Pacific forum meeting in Tonga next week. Senator Gareth Evans, Australian Foreign Affairs Minister, cancelled his trip to Fiji because of restrictions imposed by Fiji.
Report by Graeme Dobell
Senator Gareth Evans, Australian Foreign Affairs Minister
A leading sociologist has warned that racial conflict is inevitable unless we begin planning for the rapidly growing Polynesian population.
Report by Jeanne Walker
Dr Paul Spoonley, Massey University
The United Nations World Food Programme has complained that at a time when the need for food aid is increasing, it's finding Western governments are showing resistance to upping their contribution.
Report by Janice Aplin
John Eagen, Catholic Commission for Justice, Peace & Development
A health expenditure report released today shows that spending in New Zealand is on a par with that in other OECD countries.
Report by Jenny Davies
Professor Michael Cooper, Lectures Health Economics at Otago Unviersity & Chair Otago Hospital Board
Guy Scott, Author of Health Expenditure Report