
Checkpoint. 1988-09-30

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
30 Sep 1988
RNZ Collection
Janice Aplin, Reporter
Timoci Uluivuda Bavadra, 1934-1989, Interviewee
Ratu Meli Vesikula, Interviewee
Philip Whaanga, Reporter
George Habib, Interviewee
Sir Graham Stanley Latimer, 1926-2016, Interviewee
Maanu Paul, Interviewee
Jenny Davies, Reporter
David FARLOW, Interviewee
Hazel Elizabeth Armstrong, [1952]-, Interviewee
Stanley Joseph Rodger, 1940-2022, Interviewee

Episode of news and current affairs programme 'Checkpoint' from 30 September 1988.
Opening theme music, Bronwen Evans introduces the programme.

In Fiji the ousted Coalition leader, Dr Timoci Bavadra, has gained support from a faction of the nationalist Taukei movement in his campaign against the draft consitution being proposed for Fiji.
Report by Janice Aplin
Timoci Bavadra, Former Prime Minister
Ratu Meli Vesikula, Taukei Leader

A hui of more than 80 tribal representatives today endorsed Māori court action against the government, over alleged negation of Treaty rights in the Māori Fisheries Bill.
Report by Philip Whaanga
George Habib, Māori Fishing Consultant
Sir Graham Latimer, Māori Council President
Maanu Paul, Māori Council

Submissions close today on a discussion document that suggests ways of improving New Zealand's health and safety record. The document suggests that an Occupational Health and Safety Commission be formed, and that the relevant laws be scrapped and replaced by a single act of parliament.
Report by Jenny Davies
David Farlow, Employers' Federation
Hazel Armstrong, Union Representative, Ministerial Advisory Committee on Health and Safety
Stan Rodger, Labour Minister

Bronwen Evans concludes the programme, theme music plays.