
Checkpoint. [1990-02-22]

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
22 Feb 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster
Hewitt Humphrey, Presenter, Radio New Zealand
Patricia Herbert, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Michael Bassett, 1938-, Interviewee
Jim Anderton, 1938-2018, Interviewee
Ruth Dyson, Interviewee
Sue Rhodes, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Bob COCKBURN, Interviewee, British Broadcasting Corporation
Mary Leigh, Reporter
Martin Gibson, Reporter, Radio New Zealand
Tim CASTLE, Interviewee
David WILLIAMS, Interviewee

Episode of news and current affairs programme 'Checkpoint' from 22 Feb 1990.
Opening theme music, greetings from presenter Jonathan Schwass, followed by intro to tonight's stories

News by Hewitt Humphrey

TE ATATU: The aborted Te Atatu candidate selection meeting has provoked a constitutional debate within the Labour Party and it seems likely to harden already bitter antagonisms.
Report by Patricia Herbert
Michael Bassett, Outgoing MP for Te Atatu
Jim Anderton, Former Party President and now NLP (NewLabour Party) leader
Ruth Dyson, President of the LABOUR PARTY

BOUGAINVILLE: A new peace initiative was launched today in Papua New Guinea when the government agreed to sit down and talk to the Bougainville Revolutionary Army.
Report by Sue Rhodes
Bob Cockburn, BBC

MALAYSIAN CORRUPTION: The Malaysian governments anti-corruption committee is investigating allegations of mal practice in the purchase of spare parts for the Royal Malaysian Navy.
Report by Sue Rhodes
Mary Leigh ex tapes

MURIWHENUA: The complex series of court claims by Māori over fishing rights took another small step towards resolution today, with a lengthy Court of Appeal decision on aspects of the Muriwhenua fisheries claim.
Report by Jonathan Schwass
Timothy Castle, Snr. counsel for the New Zealand fishing industry
David Williams, Snr. law lecturer, Ak. Uni

Financial News by Hewitt Humphrey