Checkpoint. 1990-11-28

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
28 Nov 1990
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster

BAIL: During the election campaign, the National Party leader, Jim Bolger, said that the bail laws would receive urgent attention and as a result of this, the Justice Minister Doug Graham is planning to introduce tougher bail laws by Christmas.
Report by Sue Rhodes
Doug Graham, Justice Minister
John Witty, Dir. NZ Prisoners Aid & Rehabilitation
BOUGAINVILLE: Amnesty International has published a 43 page report alleging grave atrocities, particularly by government forces, on Papua New Guinea's Bougainville Island.
Report by Jonathan Schwass
Colin Charles, Amnesty International Exec. Dir.
Sean Dorney, ABC
POLAND: Poland's just held its first free presidential election for more than 50 years and the people made the most of their new freedom by effectively tossing out the government.
Report by Bronwen Evans
John Borrell, Time Magazine's Central Europe Bureau Chief
Erik Lepionka, Solidarity member