
Checkpoint. 1993-02-24

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
24 Feb 1993
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster

ECONOMY: On a day when the OECD country survey on New Zealand came out applauding our country's direction and the Reserve Bank's survey of expectations showed mixed results...the Minister of Finance and Opposition spokesperson squared off against each other in front of the Capital's top business people.
Report by Adele Broadbent
Ruth Richardson, Finance Minister
Michael Cullen, Opposition Finance
Don Brayden, President, Wellington Chamber of Commerce
YUGOSLAVIA: Events in Yugoslavia and elsewhere have focussed new attention on the issue of war crimes.
Report by Eric Frykberg
Madeline Albright, America Secretary to UN
Sir Kenneth Keith, Law Commission Head
Viri Traxler, Italian UN Ambassador
BOUGAINVILLE: The growing world attention on war crimes is by no means restricted to the former Yugoslavia.
In Australia, Queensland to be exact, there's a group investigating allegations of war crimes on the island of Bougainville, where secessionists are fighting the Papua New Guinea government.
Report by Jonathan Schwass
Brenda Greenhill, Queensland group representative
John Woodley, Queensland President/Democrats
David Fisher, Queensland group representative
WAITANGI TRIBUNAL: There's a claim today from Federated Farmers that an amendment to the Treaty of Waitangi act will severly curb the powers of the Waitangi Tribunal.
Report by Tania Oolders
Robert Parore, Northland Claimant
Bill Guest, Federated Farmers
Buddy Mikhaere, Waitangi Tribunal