Checkpoint. 1993-03-31

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
31 Mar 1993
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

AUSTRALIAN KILLINGS: Across the Tasman, a 3 day trail of killings kidnapping and a 27-hour police seige ended this afternoon when the remaining fugitive shot himself dead.
Report by Adele Broadbent
Zandra Sharpe - live
INFOMETRICS FORECAST: An economic forecasting group is predicting continuing widespread redundancies in workplaces.
Report by Martin Giibson
Paul Goulter, FINSEC
Graham Butler, Futures Trust
Chris Kirk, Waikato Uni
FIJI: Fiji's controversial leader is in this country.
Report by Eric Frykberg
Don McKinnon, Deputy PM
General Rabuka [illegible]
Robert Keith-Reid
CROATIA: Croatia, which along with Slovenia brought about the demise of Yugoslavia when they proclaimed their independence nearly 2 years ago, is today in the grip of an economic crisis.
Report by Jonathan Schwass
Nevan Jurica
VICTIMS TASKFORCE: The crusading body for victims of crime, the Victims Taskforce, has closed its door after 5 years.
Report by Adele Broadbent
Robert Parata/Te Aue Davis