Checkpoint. 1993-08-09

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
09 Aug 1993
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

GUAM EARTHQUAKE: People in Guam are cleaning up after the world's biggest earthquake in 4 years hit yesterday evening.
Report by Brigid/Neil
Helen Anderson, Seismologist
Andrew Clarke, NZer in Guam
CARDIAC: The growing waiting lists for cardiac surgery has been called scandalous.
Report by Bronwen Evans
Alan Kerr, Head of Cardiac
Neil Columbus, Chair. Cardiac Companions
Richard Barnes, Gen. Mgr. Private Hospital
Denis Pickup, CEO Auckland Health
TRICKLE BROWN: NZ First leader Winston Peters has attacked the Treaty settlement process, describing it as a brown version of "trickle down" economics.
Report by Neil Billington/live
Winston Peters, leader NZ First party
NAURU: In an out-of-court settlement Australia has agreed to pay the central Pacific Is. Nauru 107 million Austn. dollars in compensation for mining damage between 1914 and 1968.
Report by Martin Gibson
Barry Connell, legal rep. for Nauru