Checkpoint. 1993-10-11

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
11 Oct 1993
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

ELECTION ISSUES: It's official. The election campaign's now underway. All the main parties have launched their campaigns and today they spelt out the key issues they'll be fighting the election on.
Report by Bronwen Evans
Jim Anderton Alliance Leader
Mike Moore - Labour leader
Winston Peters - NZ First
Jim Bolger - National Leader
SAMOA: In the light of the shooting last month of a village chief in Samoa, the Samoan community in New Zealand is calling for changes to the Matai system.
Report by Veronica Lysaght
BURMA: Amnesty has documented numerous examples of human rights abuses. One former political detainee described these events which took place during the imprisonment last year.
Report by Jonathon Schwass
Peter Sutton - Amnesty International
John Head - NZ Burma support group