Checkpoint. 1993-11-30

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
Radio programs
Sound recordings
Broadcast Date
30 Nov 1993
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

LABOUR LEADERSHIP: Tomorrow is the showdown over the leadership of the Labour Party and both leader Mike Moore and his rival, deputy Helen Clark have been conducting the battle through the media.
Report by Bronwen Evans
Mike Moore - Labour Leader
Helen Clark - Labour deputy and challenger
Peter Parussini - Labour city councillor
Maryann Street - LP President - LIVE
ALLIANCE AND LABOUR: The Alliance meanwhile is sceptical about just how far to the left a Helen Clark victory tomorrow would take the Labour party
Report by Debra Harrington
Dave McPherson - New Labour general secretary
FIJI: There's political uncertainty in Fiji where the acting President, [illegible] Sir Kamasese Mara has agreed to dissolve parliament so that a snap election can be held next year.
Report by Janice Aplin
Sam Thompson - RNZ correspondent in Suva
BODY PARTS: There are claims overseas of a worldwide blackmarket trade in human body parts because not enough organs are being donated for transplants
Report by Cushla Managh
Joanna Innes - Walker donor transplant co-ordinator
Tim Burns - Private Hospital Ass