Checkpoint. 1994-11-18

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
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Broadcast Date
18 Nov 1994
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

WEDDEL-BOLLARD LIVE: The consortium which wants to buy and close the Weddell meat processing plants has hit an obstacle.
WEDDEL-FARMERS LIVE: On the phone now is the leader of the farmers consortium which wanted to buy the Weddel works - Brian Chamberlain
BOLGER IN THAI: The Prime Minister says his visit to Asia this week has again revealed what a booming and dynamic part of the world it is, and how much New Zealand stands to gain by being part of it. Janice Rodenburg i/v Jim Bolger
IRELAND: In the Aftermath of Irish Prime Minister Albert Reynold's resignation all the parties to the Northern Irish peace process have vowed to keep that on track. Rachel Gilmour
EXEC: The shock resignation of Auditor General Geoff Chapman, and the subsequent damning audit of his financial administration of the office, released yesterday has focused attention on the way such top level appointment are made...and what changes might need to be made to the process. Diana Burns
WINEBOX-SFO: Serious Fraud Office witnesses faced cross examination today at the Cook Islands tax inquiry over their handling of their investigation into the so called wine box of documents. Martin Gibson
CHILD SUPPORT: A working party which looked into the Child Support Agency has [illegible] that almost three quarters of liable parents are paying either the minimum of ten dollars in child support or less.
BERESFORD: While New Zealand gets over its astonishment of poor accountability and overspending in the auditor-general's department, in Britain the Conservative government has in recent months been mired in allegations of sleaze. Debra Harrington
TOM FREWEN: Time now for Tom Frewen's weekly despatch from England...where "Lottomania" seems to have struck, with the introduction of a nation-wide lottery.
GATT: Last week's US congressional elections have stirred up the American power balance. The overwhelming Republican election victory in the Senate and the House of Representatives will haunt President Bill Clinton's decision making [illegible] the second half of his first term. Henning Hesse