Commonwealth has ended its brief but emotionally intense New Zealand summit.x Jonathan schwass
Shell Oil is a major player in Nigeria, although it withdrew from Ogoniland in 1993 it's accused of leaving a legacy of destruction.x Mary Wilson
Shell International's Manager John Barry, who has come to New Zealand from London to address the concerns about Shell's operation in Nigeria. LIVER
1720 2.00 HEADS:
5.00 TODAY IN AUSTRALIA: main item; up to 15 percent of queenslanders and New South Wales are suffering from mental health problems due to the droughts
The battle for the Cook Strait passenger dollar is heating up again, with the planned launch of a new summer service early next month.
We's joined now by the operations manager for North South Ferries Limited .. Ed Baigent LIVER
1737 3.00 SPORTS: Malcolm Jordon
1740 2.00 NEWS:
There are differing opinions as to whether a new Employment Court decision on statutory holidays will make any difference in the workplace.x clare Pasley
.....Returning to CHOGM in Auckland, Our reporter in Auckland, asked one of the leading academic specialists on the Commonwealth, Canterbury University professor of history David McIntyre, if this was an accurate assessment of the situation.x jonathan Schwass
Protests at the Commonwealth leaders' summit drew to a close today, and they ended as they begun - with the arrest of protest leader Sue Bradford.x Glenda Wakeham
The Wine Box Inquiry hit a stumbling block today when Carter Holt Harvey said it couldn't produce documents requested by the Inquiry because of Cook Islands secrecy laws.x Bronwen Evans
A friend of Ken Saro Wiwa is the BBC's Nigerian Correspondant - Janet Anderson x bbc
12.00 MANA NEWS: