Checkpoint. 1996-03-12

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
12 Mar 1996
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

As the oil companies tackle the apparent impact 96 Octane unleaded petrol is having on car engines, a new problem is arising. Petrol tanker drivers are also complaining about the fuel -- saying the fumes have caused them to feel unwell.x Janice Aplin
A Consumer Magazine survey of 44 pharmacies in Timaru and Hutt Valley found nearly half failed to comply with the law when selling registered drugs. to discuss the issues i am joined the president of the Pharmaceutical Society, Glen Cave. LIVER
Cook Islanders looking to New Zealand as a place to escape their country's cash crisis are being told there's no room here. Charlie Carlson Liver
The multi-party agreement on superannuation is coming under pressure at several points - but no party's yet saying they will walk away from it.x Kathyrn [illegible]
1720 2.00 HEADS:
Air Zealand was scathing this morning about what it sees as an attempt by Qantas to block its entry into the Australasian market. Bronwen Evans Liver
The newly-elected Australian Government of Prime Minister, John Howard, opened the financial books today, revealing a ballooning budget deficit, not the surplus that the defeated Labour Government had promised, zandra sharpe
The Court of Appeal has reserved its decision on a request from three reluctant Winebox Inquiry witnesses to go to the Privy Council.x merle Nowland
1737 3.00 SPORTS:
1740 2.00 NEWS:
The four oil companies operating in New Zealand say they should have the results of their tests on Unleaded 96 octane petrol by the end of this week. [illegible] remaining on sale in the meantime, and its coverage of the country is expanding - despite a growing number of complaints from motorists.x Jonathan schwass
Secondary teachers and the government are returning to the negotiating table this week, despite the teachers' threats of rolling strike action just days ago. they are near to agreement on teacher performance x maria slade
And joining me now to talk about performance-based pay is Patrick Green, a Human Resource consultant, from the firm Green Hansen. LIVER
The British Ministry of Defence has launched an investigation to find out how a filing cabinet, packed with around 500 documents on the IRA, has been sold at auction.x keith chalkley