Checkpoint. 1996-06-06

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
06 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

Helen Clark's won the powerful endorsement of the unions in the face of speculation the Labour leadership will be contested at next week's caucus.x katherine Street
There is growing opposition in the pacific to reports that an American company may be planning to dump nuclear waste on a remote attoll x bruce hill
It's the end of day two of Winston Peters' evidence to the wine box inquiry and he has failed to bring any more cards out from up his sleeve. adam holingworth
1720 2.00 HEADS:
Central and local government have announced a deal with twenty of New Zealand's largest companies today to reduce the amount of waste coming from packaging.x bryan crump
Representatives of the Road Knights gang failed to turn-up today, to give [illegible] to a parliamentary investigation in Christchurch. but the Christchurch City Council made a submission Vicky buck liver
1737 3.00 SPORTS:
1740 2.00 NEWS:
Amnesty International is sending a mission to Papua New Guinea next week to examine the human rights situation there. it comes amid concern over the continued conflict on the breakaway Papua New Guinea island of Bougainville - a conflict that has taken a turn for the worse.x mark henderson
Unions say employers are beginning to change the way they enter negotiations with staff following a recent test case in the Court of Appeal. Five weeks ago, the Appeal Court ruled in two cases that employers can talk directly to workers about contract issues. The Fire Service was one of the parties involved, and it's now drawn up a set of guidelines for staff.x clare pasley
The new power supplier Contact Energy has today announced the axeing of 150 jobs.x margariette fahy
The Vice-President of the European Union, Sir Leon Brittan, says the time has come for New Zealand to re-examine the trading possibilites with Europe.x Stephen parker
There's more condemnation of Nigeria - where the murdered wife of jailed opposition leader Chief Moshood Abiola has been buried amid anti-government protests.x bbc
12.00 MANA NEWS: