Checkpoint. 1996-06-10

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Nonfiction radio programs
Radio news programs
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Broadcast Date
10 Jun 1996
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

The Labour MPs who asked their leader to step aside are backing down. karen Fisher LIVE
There's been a mixed reception for a Business Roundtable-commissioned report on crime in New Zealand.x mark henderson
The Returned Services Association is calling on all political parties to get their act together over superannuation and the surcharge. Mark Crysell LIVE
1720 2.00 HEADS:
The Alliance has confirmed radio talk-show host, Pam Corkery, will be standing for this year's general election at number six on its Party list. Corkery LIVE
The National Party signalled a bid for the more city votes with the release of its Parliamentary list yesterday. X bryan crump
chief parliamentary reporter Janice Rodenburg LIVE
The all black dispute over the boots worn on Friday night's rugby test with manu samoa continues tonight. Graeme Moodie live
1737 3.00 SPORTS:
1740 2.00 NEWS:
Mike Moore's undertaken to stay within Labour, in the wake of the failed leadership callange, and keep pushing issues he's concerned with, but from a position on the backbench.x press conference/kathryn street
Historic talks on the future of Northern Ireland begin tomorrow in Belfast.x bbc and Wayne brittenden
Two Jewish settlers have been gunned down in a drive-by shooting near the West Bank apparently by Arab militants. Robert Berger LIVER
[illegible] 6.00 NEWS, TRAIL AND WEATHER
With one week to go before the Russian presidential election the question of who owns the land has become a hotly contested issue.x bbc
12.00 MANA NEWS: