Checkpoint. 1997-06-16

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
16 Jun 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

As you've heard in the news the court of Appeal has ruled that police can apply for a search warrant to seize cockpit voice recordings from a plane crash near Palmerston North two years ago. PRE REC OF TAIC JOHN BRITTEN
A mercy dash has brought a NZ woman back from Fiji for hospital treatment after she was attacked by a shark. The 47 year old Christchurch woman was mauled while diving in Fiji yesterday - a special flight with her on board touched down in Auckland a short time ago. LIVER WITH KENNY MURRAY
1715 HEADS
The death of a snowboarder on Mt Taranaki during the weekend has highlighted an angry dispute between Taranaki skiers and the Conservation Minister and his department. EX HENDERSON
There've been angry denials today that South Islanders get subsidised power. This follows the warning from Transpower, the company that runs the national grid, that a price differential the South Island has enjoyed for more that twenty years will finish at the end of the month. PRE REC OF DAVID CLOSE [illegible] Tauranga District Court, the depositions hearing began into the murder charge against Dean Wickliffe. 48 year old Wickliffe is charged with murdering Mount Maunganui man Richard Bluett last july. LIVER WITH ANDREW MCRAE
1730 NEWS
Returning to our lead story - the Court of Appeal's cleared the way for publication of the official report into the Ansett plane crash near Palmerston North two years ago. Passenger William McGrory was dubbed a hero in the wake of the crash, after he ignored his injuries to summon help. LIVER WITH WILLIAM MCGRORY
Bougainville rebels are hoping that the PNG elections will bring to power government more sympathetic to ending the fighting and bringing reconcilliations. EX LESSING
1745 HEADS
Scientists look set to crack the cabbage tree death mystery. Since the 1980s, huge numbers of the unique native trees have sickened and died. EX MOODLEY
It's getting harder and harder to get on the internet. More and more people are now surfing the net, but computer experts warn that the sheet volume of calls means phonelines into Internet service providers are getting clogged. EX SZIRANYI