Checkpoint. 1997-06-20

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
20 Jun 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

The Treasurer Winston Peters is setting the scene for a budget surplus lower than any commentators have expected. And his opponents are already warning it will send a shudder through the economy and politics. EX STREET
There are fears in welfare circles that the government intends privatising the Department of Social Welfare. Jim Bolger implied in parliament yesterday that he had little faith in the department - and indicated he'd rather give money to community agencies than increase the department's vote. EX GREGORY-HUNT & DES BRITTEN
1715 HEADS
A commercial alliance is being forged by Air New Zealand, Ansett Australia and Singapore Airlines. The deal will see them share flight codes, buy seats on each others' flights, and co-operate in areas such as ticketing and marketing. PRE REC OF JIM SCOTT
Labour's released figures showing the Government is underfunding institutions [illegible] the cost of administering the student loan scheme. In the last five years the Government has reduced its funding by over 30 percent. EX MORRISON
It's been a day of confusion over the future of a major South Island hospital. A parliamentary select committee has reported that the Nelson Marlborough Che is favouring a partial shut down of Blenheim's hospital. EX FRYKBERG
1730 NEWS
The Alliance has welcomed the opportunity for New Zealand to host peace talks between Bouganville rebels and the Papua New Guinea Government. Earlier this week, proposed peace talks didn't go ahead in Solomon Islands because delegates for the PNG-backed Bougainville Transitional Government failed to arrive for preparatory discussions involving all factions of the bloody nine-year conflict. PRE REC OF MATT ROBSON
Australia's admitting that the apple disease fireblight now exists in two states. The Victorian Department of Natural Resources says lab tests confirm the disease on plants in Melbourne and Adelaide's botanical gardens, but not in nurseries and orchards. EX CHAPPELL
The country's judges have been learning about sexism. In May 149 judges [illegible] a two-day seminar on how not to discriminate against women. LIVER WITH [illegible] SYLVIA CARTWRIGHT
1745 HEADS
New Zealand adoption successes and probleme are under scrutiny at an international conference in Wellington. More than 200 social workers and adoption support group members from around the world are attending the three day conference. EX COUGHLAN
Formal gowns and short cocktail dresses fit for royalty - they're all going under the hammer at Christies auction house in New York as Princess Diana sells
off much of her designer wardrobe for charity. EX LESSING