Checkpoint. 1997-07-01

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
01 Jul 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

The political career of Papua New Guinea's prime minister Sir Julius Chan is over - he's just narrowly lost his seat in the country's general election. Sir Julius has played a leading role in Papua New Guinea politics since the country gained independence from Australia in 1975. PRE REC OF DAVID ROBIE
The lawyer who representing Winston Peters at the Winebox Inquiry - Brian Henry - faced some tough questioning today - as the commissioner Sir Ronald Davison asked him to provide the evidence for allegations which have been made by Winston Peters. LIVE Q&A WITH BRONWEN EVANS
1715 HEADS
Hong Kong is now under Chinese control. Thousands of Chinese troops moved across the border into Hong Kong today, just hours after Britain handed back the former colony to China. EX FRYKBERG
China came not only by sea but also by land. Soldiers from the People's Liberation Army streamed over the border into Hong Knog in open trucks and [illegible] vehicles. PRE REC OF ROBERT REID, NZ TRADE UNION OFFICIAL.
The number of people in industry training has doubled to 33 thousand in the last five years - but the cost of educating them appears to have been wildly miscalculated. EX MORRISON
A broader role for the revamped Senior Citizens division of Social Welfare, a conference on age and work and removing barriers to older people in the work force. EX HENDERSON
1730 NEWS
The coalition government's first budget is being described as "scruffy" and a "little runt". EX PARKER
Increasing numbers of New Zealanders think MMP is a mistake. The latest UMR Insight opinion poll shows 54 percent of those polled prefer th old first past the post system. 30 percent still like MMP - the rest can't make up their mind. PRE REC OF ROD DONALD
Auckland's new commercial water company's kicked off with a splash - diving straight into accusations it's wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in ratepayer's money on a major ad campaign. EX CAMERON
1745 HEADS
In Southland and Otago, an effort to cleanup dangerous chemicals from its farms is providing a yardstick with which to measure the national problem of abandoned pestioidoo and horbicides. EX MCKERRACHER
The Australian Aboriginal delegation is headed for Europe, to raise overseas awareness of alleged breaches of their rights. EX SHARPE