Checkpoint. 1997-07-14

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
14 Jul 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

There's been a largely negative reaction to a private company's plan to investigate and then prosecute white collar crime. Companies and government department's spoken to by Radio new Zealand believe police should be doing the prosecutions, but they say if the police don't have the time, they'd consider going private. EX LATTIMORE
A short time ago I spoke to Police assistant commissioner Ian Holyoake and asked him to respond to the statements that private prosecutors want to get into small-time white collar crime because the police can't cope with it. PRE REC OF IAN HOLYOAKE
1715 HEADS
The High Court in Auckland, has been told a Northland judge who's accused of fraud, obtained expenses money by telling a lie. District Court judge Martin Beattie, denies 45 charges of using a document with intent to defraud. LIVE Q&A [illegible] GLENDA WAKEHAM
The Inquiry into Patient Safety at Christchurch hospital has taken a new turn. Families of patients are launching their own inquiry, saying they don't believe Health and Disability Commissioner Robyn Stent will address their concerns. LIVER WITH MURRAY GARDINER
A spectacular electrical and hailstorm over Wellington this morning had air travellers in a spin. EX FAHY
1730 NEWS:
Statements read to the Wellington district Court today have detailed repeated alleged sexual abuse of two girls and a boy by District Court judge Ross Elliott. LIVE Q&A WITH MERLE NOWLAND
Consumer magazine has stopped telling people that health insurance is un-necessary and now says if you can afford it get it. A columnist with the magazine, Grant Hannis says in the past Consumer has taken the view that the public health system has been able to meet most people's requirements fo-non-urgent surgery. PRE REC WITH GRANT HANNIS
In Papua New Guinea, the former military leader Jerry Singarok has today [illegible] receiving seventy thousand dollars in a secret payment from UK arms [illegible] J & S Franklin. LIVER WITH DAVID ROBIE
In Cambodia - fighting continues between troops loyal to strongman Hun Sen and those of ousted co-premier Prince Ranariddh, with Hun Sen's side claiming victory. PRE REC WITH VIC UNI EXPERT ANDREW LADLEY
1745 HEADS
Cambodia's Capital Phnom Penh is said to be returning to business as usual as clashes between groups supporting the countries rival Prime Ministers subside. EX SIMON INGRAM BBC
1750 HEADS