Checkpoint. 1997-07-28

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
28 Jul 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

Papua New Guinea's military forces have staged another rebellion. Special Forces troops have broken a Colonel out of jail at gunpoint and put their defence force commander under house arrest. He's now being held at Port Moresby's Murray Barracks, scene of another uprising by troops a few months ago. LIVER WITH CHIEF OF STAF COL. ERIK ANI
The Firefighters Union is predicting more deaths and property losses if the Fire Service goes ahead with proposals to reduce the number of frontline jobs. EX MANAGH
1715 HEADS
[illegible] BUSINESS NEWS
In the High Court in Auckland, the fraud trial continues of Northland District Court Judge Martin Beattie. He told the court today that he wouldn't jeopardise his career for that sort of conduct. BEATTIE AUDIO & LIVE Q&A WITH [illegible] WAKEHAM
The Manager of the Whakatohea raupatu claim says the proposed 40-million dollar settlement with the Crown is not dead, despite it being rejected at a tribal hui over the weekend. EX WIKAIRA
Police in Manawatu have met this afternoon to discuss how to handle the deteriorating situation in the town of Dannevirke - scene of three large scale street brawls and rioting in the last two months The latest conforntation occured early yesterday when a group of angry drinkers attacked the police station after officers attempted to arrest two people who had breached their curfew. LIVER WITH MARK LAMMAS
1730 NEWS
This afternoon the body of Muriwhenua leader Matiu Rata was moved from from [illegible] marae at Te Keo to Te Reo Mihi Marae at his birth place of Te Hapua in [illegible] for his funeral tommorrow. LIVE Q&A WITH LOIS WILLIAMS
There are fears of open gang warfare in Auckland after a gang related killing prompted threats of a revenge double-killing. EX CADDICK
United MP Peter Dunne is calling for stiffer penalties for drink driving - and [illegible] written a private members bill which would see offenders who kill or injure another person automatically spend up to seven years in jail and lose their license for two years. LIVER WITH PETER DUNNE
The Macraes Mining Company plans to sack around 50 of its workers at its East Otago gold mine. Earlier this month Macraes announced the deferral of a proposed 120-million-dollar expansion of the mine. EX MCKERRACHER
1745 HEADS
It's now part of New Zealand movie mythology - a half hour film that's taken 14 years to make. Even the director believed he would never actually finish the film - but on Saturday night, "Time is A Spider" made its premiere at the packed out Paramount theatre in Wellington. EX CHERRY