Checkpoint. 1997-08-22

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
22 Aug 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

This afternoon customs workers have backed up Neil Kirton's claims, saying the Customs Odometer Tampering Investigation was a huge sham. LIVER WITH CUSTOMS PSA BRIAN DAVIS
The ANZ bank puts a rise in the number complaints before the banking ombudsman, down to complaints procedures being actively promoted and responded to. Banking ombudsman, Liz Brown, notes in her annual report just released, that there are more complaints about staff conduct than in other years. EX MATTERSON
1715 HEADS
The governor of the Reserve Bank Don Brash has defended his monetary policies. Earlier this week the chief executive of Telecom Rod Deane said that New [illegible] is "effectively in recession." which he attributed to overly tough policies by the Reserve Bank. But the governor of the bank is used to criticism - and he's not backing down. EX EVANS
It's been dubbed the mea culpa tour of the Pacific. The visit by Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer to Vanuatu, Fiji, New Zealand and Papau New Guinea following last month's embarassing leak of documents from a South Pacfic Forum meeting in Cairns. The papers written by Australian government officials contained unflattering comments about Pacific leaders, including our deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters. PRE REC OF ALEXANDER DOWNER
New Zealand's Foreign Affairs Minister Don Mckinnon is describing his talks with Mr Downer as constructive. PRE REC OF DON MCKINNON
1730 NEWS
An Auckland doctor says lifestyle and physiological differences in Pacific Islanders make it harder for them to lose weight. A new report describing obesity as a worldwide epidemic has been followed by a call from an Auckland reseacher to combat obesity, particularly among Māori and Pacific Islanders. EX FAHY
Detectives are continuing their investigation into the murder of Gisborne woman [illegible] Torrey, whose body was found in the grounds of Lytton High School on Wednesday evening. PRE REC OF DI GRAHAM BELL
An Dtago scientist is calling for shops to be careful about who they sell capsules of nitrous oxide to. The capsules are often used to produce whipped cream for catering firms. The gas also has medical uses, but is being abused by people wanting to get high, and their health could suffer as a result. EX FRYKBERG
Submissions on the New Zealand Tourism Board's draft Southern Lakes tourism strategy close tonight but some groups are already upset at the suggestion a road will be built through the Greenstone valley. EX MCKERRACHER
1745 HEADS
Prime Minister Jim Bolger is to become a Samoan chief with the title of "Nanai". The title's apparently reward for Mr Bolger's support for Samoan MP Arthur Anae, a member of the Samoan village bestowing the honour. EX HILL
1750 HEADS
The Apple and Pear Board's making headway in convincing growers to accept radical changes for next year. Last month the Board announced proposals to increase export colour standards for apples, and penalties for growers who supply poor quality fruit. EX CHAPPELL