Checkpoint. 1997-08-25

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
25 Aug 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

Australia is considering boosting its defence forces by buying long range Tomahawk cruise missiles. But that's prompted warnings that the purchase will spark a regional arms race. EX SHARPE
Mr McKinnon is travelling to Papua New Guinea tomorrow to discuss with PNG's Prime Minister Bill Skate New Zealands role in the next round of Bougainville Peace talks. PRE REC OF DON MCKINNON
The prime minister has rejected suggestions that the government is to blame for the continuing downturn in the provinces. Another survey's come out today showing that the worst effects of the economic downturn are being felt in the hinterlands - outside the three main metropolitan centres. LIVE Q&A BRONWEN EVANS
1715 HEADS
[illegible] controversial rabbit control disease RCD has been banned in New Zealand but there are claims it may already have been introduced illegally. The Ministry of Agriculture is now testing rabbits from Otago that die in unusual circumstances for the virus. EX MCKERRACHER
Whangarei MP John Banks has failed in an attempt to have damages against him struck out in a Northland defamation case. LIVE Q&A WITH LOIS WILLIAMS
In Gisborne, police say they have new information about the murder of Andrea Torrey, the 28 year old whose body was found last week at a local High School were she was a cleaner. PRE REC OF GRAHAM BELL
1730 NEWS
Every summer New Zealanders are told in no uncertain terms to stay out of the sun or risk skin cancer. However two of Britain's top skin disease experts, Jonathan Rees and Sam Shuster are now saying there is no proof to link sunlight with melonama. LIVER WITH DR MARK GRAY
Crimes committed by under 17 year olds have been increasing steadily over the past decade - but a joint programme in Dunedin could offer hope of a solution for the rest of the country EX EMMA BROWN
[illegible] farmers say they've suffered the winter from hell after a weekend snow [illegible] hit in the middle of lambing. It's been estimated the heaviest hit [illegible] lost 30 per cent of their stock, but Wairoa mayor Derek Fox says the snow may have been a blessing in disguise, and if it had rained heavily the losses would be worse. LIVER WITH WAIROA MAYOR DEREK FOX
Earlier this month, Abner Louima, a 30 year old Haitian New Yorker, was arrested outside a Brooklyn Nightclub. What happened to him next shocked the city - and continues to shock every day as more comes out about the way police handled his arrest. EX LESSING
The Internal Affairs Minister Jack Elder is warning some groups which currently receive Lotteries Grants Board funding they could lose it. The Board has just decided to cut funding of over three million dollars for the purchase of special equipment for the disabled - and Mr Elder says other groups could suffer similar funding cuts. EX MURU