Checkpoint. 1997-11-05

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
05 Nov 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

The jockeying for position continues in the wake of the Jenny Shipley coup, with the question of how the coalition government will survive still unanswered. Today, Mrs Shipley signalled that her party had other options than to remain in coalition with New Zealand First. That issue was also deabted in Parliament, with New Zealand First leader Winston Peters on the defensive as nearly half the formal questions were directed at him. That sparked heated exchanges. AUDIO CUT OF DEBATE & LIVER WITH AL MORRISON
A big oil find's been flagged, with Fletcher Challenge describing its exploration at Mangahewa in Taranaki as potentially one of this country's most important discoveries. Until now the company has downplayed the size of the find as testing continued. LIVER WITH BARRY AKERS
Official data released today has confirmed unemployment is continuing to rise. It's now up to six point eight percent of the workforce - a year ago, it was six percent. EX EVANS
It captivated the world - but today the Pathfinder space mission to Mars was officially closed by NASA scientists. The frontier breaking mission revealed the surface of Mars to fascinated earthlings, using a roving camera - Sojourner - to send pictures back to earth. LIVER WITH MATTHEW GOLOMBEK
1730 NEWS
Cyclone Martin is continuing on its killing way in the South Pacific, leaving one person dead and another eight missing on Bellinghausen atoll in French Polynesia. The storm has already killed six people and left another 13 missing in the Cook Islands. The search for those missing in the Cooks was stepped up this afternoon with a New Zealand airforce Hercules now searching the area for a boat seen floating off the island of Manihiki. EX BRETT-KELLY
There's concern at psychiatric health care in Dunedin after the region's Che Healthcare Otago announced it's closing its acute psychiatric ward in January. EX MCKERRACHER
Convicted murderer Hayden Taylor appeared in the Auckland District Court today for sentencing for rape. Taylor is in jail for killing pregnant teenager Nicola Rankin - the sentencing today was for raping another woman. However the appearance wasn't straight forward. Q&A WITH LISA OWEN.
The Land Transport Safety Authority says it can reduce the number of traffic accidents at intersections by changing the give way rules. As part of its review of the road code, the LTSA is proposing that Right turning traffic no longer gets priority over left turning traffic. EX CHERRY
In the United States, the British au pair convicted of murdering the baby in her care will have to wait a while longer to hear her fate. The judge has heard appeals from both sides and is yet to decide whether to quash Louise Woodward's conviction, or reduce her sentence. EX GEORGINA COOPER
Moves are underway to limit motor vehicle pollution, On some New Zealand roads carbon monoxide levels can exceed recommended international guildelines by as much as 60 percent. The Ministry of Transport is looking at ways of controlling the problem. EX MCKENZIE