Checkpoint. 1997-12-09

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Nonfiction radio programs
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Broadcast Date
09 Dec 1997
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) 1986-2007, Broadcaster

Cyclone Pam is hitting Rarotonga, forcing hundreds of people to be evacuated from their homes, while flooding is also causing problems. The full force of Pam has still to be felt - LIVE IV WITH our correspondent Barbara Dreaver
The new Prime Minister Jenny Shipley has fronted up in Parliament today for the first time in her new role - and the Opposition's left her in no doubt it will take the battle to her on whatever terms she chooses. LIVE IV WITH our political correspondent Stephen Harris
As you've heard in the news the Government has given an upbeat assessment of [illegible] economy's prospects, predicting stronger economic growth to the turn of the century. Treasury forecasts released today, point to growth of 4-percent by 1999, lower inflation, unemployment falling to under six percent, continued budget surpluses, and further repayment of debt. LIVE IV WITH our Business Editor Gyles Beckford
1715 .30 HEADS:
The probe into fraudulent second-hand car dealing is staring to bear fruit, with charges laid and the investigations apparently forcing one couple to flee the country. Private Prosecutions Limited has been hired by the Licenced Imported Motor Vehicle Dealers Association to investigate and prosecute people who're selling second-hand cars without a dealers licence. PACKAGE FROM Karlum Lattimore
[illegible] United Nations has just released a report which shows life has never been tougher for the world's 22 million refugees. The UNHCR now has a representative in New Zealand Hans ten Feld - LIVE IV with Hans ten Feld
1730 2.00 NEWS:
The New Zealand truce monitoring group on Bougainville has been warmly welcomed by all factions ion the nine year conflict. More than 300 New Zealand and Australian defence personnel are establishing bases for the truce monitoring process ahead of further peace talks scheduled for mid-January. LIVE IV WITH Mark Hederson on Bougainville
Back to Rarotonga, as Cyclone Pam moves through the Cook Islands. LIVE IV WITH ISA MAELA of the Police in Rarotonga
A full High Court of two judges in Wellington has been hearing the Taranaki Fish and Game Council's appeal against a District Court decision allowing Māori a restricted right to fish for trout without a licence. Early this year, in a judgement of more than 400 pages, Judge Becroft in the Wanganui District Court ruled the Treaty of Waitangi covered trout fishing - and in some circumstances Māori didn't need a licence. LIVE IV WITH Court reporter Merle Nowland
To the Gisborne District Court now and the preliminary drugs hearing against police officer Barry Woon and former policeman David Neilson. The pair have been charged with 25 offences relating to supplying and stealing drugs, attempting to pervert the course of justice - as well, Woon is charged with being party to an aggravated bank robbery. LIVE IV WITH our reporter Heugh Chappell
1745 .30 HEADS
1750 .30 WORLD HEADS
There's apparently been progress today over compensation for rugby players, [illegible] during the game. The Rugby union chief executive David Moffett met Grant Cameron, lawyer representing 25 paralysed players. They've agreed that Mr Cameron will prepare a report detailing the group's compensation claims, which will be presented to the union early next year. PACKAGE FROM Stephen Hewson