Checkpoint. 1998-05-22

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Broadcast Date
22 May 1998
RNZ Collection
National Radio (N.Z.) (estab. 1986, closed 2007), Broadcaster

It's expected that thousands of luxury cars will be shipped out of New Zealand this weekend in a bid by car dealers to get a tariff refund.
The government got rid of car tariffs in the budget last week, but agreed to refund duty on cars brought into the country between February the 14 and budget night. Now dealers stuck with cars they paid duty on before February 14 have found a way getting their money back - they're exporting the vehicles to a temporary destination such as Fiji before bringing them back in again.
Customs spokesperson Andy Anderton is I/V'd LIVE... as is the General Manager of BMW and Rover New Zealand, Geoff Fletcher.
Commerce Minister John Luxton says the original advise to the government was that dealers were unlikely to export and reimport the cars to claw back the duty paid... That obviously is no longer the case .. Mr Luxton is I/V'd LIVE.
Labour decides to press ahead with a breach of privilege complaint against the ACT MP Owen Jennings over an alleged meeting he held in his office about a supposedly pyramid selling system.. Labour Leader Helen Clark is I/V'd LIVE as is ACT leader Richard Prebble LIVE.
Two former employees of Fletcher Homes tell the High Court in Wellington that it was normal practice to add the cost of inducements such as special interest rate deals and gifts into the price of Fletcher Homes.
An expert witness also gives evidence that extras, including inducements, added thousands of dollars to the basic costs of the homes.
Our economics correspondent Bronwen Evans is I/V'd LIVE.
There's been widespread agreement from across Maoridom that the policy of mainstreaming services to Māori has failed.
The Māori Affairs Minister, Tau Henare, says mainstreaming has been a total failure and thinks it should be dumped if government departments don't rapidly improve their delivery of services to Māori.
Māori Issues Correspondent Chris Wikaira is I/V'd LIVE.
There are predictions of a showdown between the head of the Fire Service Commission and the Internal Affairs Minister, as pressure goes on for a less confrontational way to restructure the Fire Service.
New Zealand First MPs have told their colleague Jack Elder to report back to the party's caucus next tuesday with a way to change the plan to scrap the existing 1600 paid firefighters jobs. pkge ex Parliamentary Chief Reporter Kathryn Street.. New Zealand First MP Peter Brown is I/V'd LIVE.
It's Indonesia's new President Jusuf Habibie first day in office today following the resignation of former president Suharto yesterday.
Analysts says the pressure is on him to show quickly he can do the job and step into the shoes of Suharto who held the post for 32 years..
Our correspondent in Jakarata - Belinda Caminada is i/v'd LIVE.
In the United States a 15-year old boy has opened fire in a High School cafetaria in Springfield, Oregon. The boy killed two people and critically wounded seven others. Two adults also were found shot dead in the boy's home. American correspondent Richard Arnold is I/V'd LIVE.
Another huge weekend approaches for rugby fans with three New Zealand teams making the semi-finals of Rugby's Super 12 competition.
The Auckland Blues tomorrow play the Otago Highlanders at Eden Park, and on Sunday the Canterbury Crusaders take on the Coastal Sharks from South Africa. pkge ex Otago reporter, Graham McKerracher.
Thirty years after the Inangahua earthquake devastated the small West Coast township, former residents who lived through the quake are gather for a reunion. pkge ex Tania Oolders.