Checkpoint. 2001-06-19

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Broadcast Date
19 Jun 2001
RNZ Collection

Jim Anderton's leadership of The Alliance has came down to the wire over an argument with fellow Government minister Laile Harre. Ms Harre wanted to talk to striking New Zealand Herald workers but on Friday Mr Anderton and Prime Minster Helen Clark advised her not to. She didnt meet the workers but over the weekend, went to her party's council with a motion asking it to back her desire to talk to parties involved in the industrial dispute. Mr Anderton saw that as a challenge to his right to exercise judgement as a leader. Now the issue has escalated with a leak from the council of the heated exchange over Ms Harre's motion. To discuss the issue I'm joined by our political editor Al Morrison. LIVE WITH DROP INS
[illegible] are shrinking for disgruntled electricity consumers, with some [illegible] saying they will no longer take on new customers because wholesale power prices are too high. The situation's prompted calls from the Consumers Institute for the government to intervene. Michele Hollis reports. PKGE
The air force's aging Skyhawk fleet is having more problems, with one of the warplanes making a forced landing on a remote island off Australia's Northern Territory. Five jets were en route from Townsville in Queensland to Darwin when one had fuel problems.
The troubled Skyhawk and another escorting it landed safely on Groote Eylandte, about 600 kilometres east of Darwin. Wing commander Nick Osborne explains. PREREC
There are growing fears in the lower South Island that rail services are about to be axed. The Rail and Maritime Union is predicting the Southerner passenger train between Dunedin and Invercargill is coming to the end of the line. And it's also worried about the long-term viability of rail freight in the south. [illegible] Lloyd reports. PKGE
In Australia - thousands of Sydney commuters travelled free on public transport today as unions protest against proposed work place reforms. The industrial action is over the New South Wales government's decision to press ahead with what's known as WorkCover legislation - even though some provisions breach an agreement between unions and the government. The action has seen hundreds of protestors picket the state parliament, while police are refusing to issue tickets for speeding, traffic and other minor offences. One of the protestors at parliament is New South Wales police association president Ian Ball - I asked him how unusual it was for police to face off on both sides of the picket line. PREREC
A study into the closure of a major Hastings freezing works shows redundant workers suffered more than three times the number of suicides and self inflicted injuries than those still employed at a neighbouring plant. The research by Eru Pomare Māori Health Research Centre at the Wellington School of Medicine, studied the health of workers at Whakatu and Tomoana before and after Whakatu's 1986 closure. It found that while there were no significant health differences before the closure, that changed afterwards. The researchers are calling on the government and businesses to acknowledge that being made unemployed causes ill health. Lil worked at Whakatu for 16 years - she told me that the findings ring very true. PREREC
Attempts to introduce cleaner diesel fuel continue to run into problems. At the moment, diesel sold in New Zealand has six times the sulphur content of other western countries. In an attempt to reduce air pollution, the Auckland Regional Council wants diesel sold in the city to have sulphur levels cut by two thirds.
While most oil companies back the idea, Mobil wont support an Auckland-only plan and wants cleaner diesel for the whole country. Today it took out ads in the major morning newspapers explaining its position - Brad Markham looks at the issue. PKGE
The High Court in Christchurch has heard how three years of simmering gang [illegible] led to last year's killing of a Black Power gang member. Five members or associates of the Highway 61 gang - Garth Bucknell, Dean Nathan, Matthew Grant, Fabian Lukic (Pron: Loo-kick) and Donald Wright are jointly charged with killing Max Shannon, who was a patched member of the Black Power gang. A sixth man, Murray Simms, was sentenced to life in prison earlier this month after changing his plea to guilty. Our reporter John MacDonald has been in court today and joins me now. LIVE WITH DROP INS
As New Zealand power consumers face rising power prices, in the United States, energy officials are trying to control prices in an effort to relieve the electricity shortage gripping parts of the country. California has been in crisis in recent months with rolling blackouts hitting much of the state. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is now expanding its energy price control policy - as our Washington correspondent Priscilla Huff reports. PKGE
A Colorado judge has jailed two therapists for 16 years for their role in the death of a ten year old girl, who begged and screamed for air during a psychotherapy procedure call re-birthing. The girl, Candace Newmaker, couldn't [illegible] with her adoptive mother, and in the rebirthing session had to fight her [illegible] of the sheet she was tightly bound in, so she could be reborn to her new mother. Therapists Connell Watkins and Julie Ponder were found guilty of reckless child abuse resulting in death, which carries a minimum sentence of 16 years and maximum of 48. Armani Ali is a reporter with KOA-AM News - he was at court for the sentencing. PREREC
The Papua New Guinea government and Bougainville leaders are expected to initial a deal today to pave the way for the island's autonomy. The signing ends nearly two years of intermitent negotiations as Bougainville pushed for a large degree of autonomy and possible independence to be decided by a referendum. I asked New Zealand's High Commissioner in Papua New Guinea Chris Seed how important the deal is. PREREC