Checkpoint. 2001-06-25

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Broadcast Date
25 Jun 2001
RNZ Collection

The Chief Executive of Work and Income Christine Rankin had her day in Court telling a story about employment worries she earlier indicated would shock and horrify the nation. Mrs Rankin has been giving evidence during the first day of the Employment Court's hearing of her eight-hundred-and-eighteen-thousand dollar claim against the State Services Commissioner, She alleges he breached his obligation to act as a good employer, treated her unfairly and unlawfully and allowed political interferance to sway his decision not to reappoint her. Our Court Reporter Merle Nowland has been listening to the evidence and joins me now. LIVE WITH DROP INS
Changes to the structure of Television New Zealand have been approved by Cabinet today. The aim is to enable it to take on a more public service broadcasting role. New legislation will be introduced to make TVNZ a Crown Owned Company, allowing a greater blend of social and commercial objectives. TVNZ is currently a State Owned Enterprise, requiring mainly commercial objectives to be met. In one issue, the Government has agreed to allow TVNZ to keep its profitable transmission company BCL, and its Australian operations, though they will remain as separate companies within the TVNZ group. This issue will be reviewed in two years. Extra money to meet the charter will be voted in at each budget. The Minister of Broadcasting Marion Hobbs joins us now. LIVE
The chairman of TVNZ Dr Ross Armstrong joins us now. LIVE
Payments to two District Health Board Chief Executives, are to be investigated by the Auditor General. The decision to do this was made by the State Services Minister Trevor Mallard after a probe by the State Services Commission. Mr Mallard joins us now. LIVE
The father of Olivia Hope wants the police to begin another search of the Cook Strait, following revelations that the head of the murder inquiry thinks there is a high probability two mystery objects are the bodies of Olivia and her friend Ben Smart. The two objects were discovered during a Navy sonar search last year and at the time police said the evidence was not strong enough to warrent further investigation.
Gerald Hope says he was stunned by revelations on Friday that Rob Pope thought the objects were probably Ben and Olivia and says a Remote Operated Vessal or ROV could easily have been used to find out more. He says he didn't object when the police said there wouldn't be another search. PREREC
The son of a Northland school teacher has appeared in court in Whangarei charged with a serious assault on his mother. Susan Brown suffered massive head injuries when she was bashed in her home in the small farming settlement last Wednesday night, and is in a critical condition in Auckland hospital. The man charged with the attack is her son. Our reporter Lois Williams was at court today. PREREC
Residents of the small Wairarapa town of Eketahuna are finding that picking up the pieces is proving difficult after a devastating fire ten days ago wiped out a quarter of the town's businesses. The blaze reduced to rubble Eketahuna's only service station and lotto shop, as well as a cafe and auto repair shop. Townspeople say they hope desperately needed insurance will see the businesses rebuilt. Jill Galloway went to Eketahuna to guage reaction. PKGE
A helicopter lifted five men from a stricken yacht off the Wairarapa coast this morning, and the boat was abandoned. The original plan was to pump the boat out, but after the helicopter winched all the men off the yacht they were brought ashore and the 13 metre trimaran was abandonned at sea. Joining us now is Dave Greenberg of the Wellington Westpac Trust rescue helicopter. LIVE
The Korean government has today bestowed a medal on ten New Zealand Korean war veterans commemorating the fifty first anniversary of the start of the war today. Ambassador Bong-Joo Moon presented the Korean War Service Medals on [illegible] of the Korean government at a luncheon ceremony it holds this day every year to commemorate the war. It followed a wreath laying service at the National War Memorial in Wellington. Fiona Morris attended the medal ceremony for a war that took place half a century ago. PKGE
There are calls from primary school principals for the Government to provide more resources to help children that regularly change schools. The Principals Federation says transient pupils are putting a real strain on many poorer schools, and extra funding is needed to deal with their special needs. Julian Robins has more. PKGE
In Fiji - court security arrangements for the appearance of coup leader George Speight have been described as outrageous after he came close to being able to walk free today. George Speight is being held in custody on treason charges following his overthrow of Fiji's elected government last year but a preliminary hearing to decide if the case should go to trial has been held up because Speight does not have a lawyer yet. Our correspondent in Fiji Shalen Shandil was in court today - I asked him what happened. PREREC