Checkpoint. 2003-12-22

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Broadcast Date
22 Dec 2003
RNZ Collection

1700 to 1707 NEWS
Police are describing a group of nine Indonesian climbers who have been airlifted out of the Mount Cook National Park as foolish because they refused to take advice to not attempt the climb. Inspector Dave Gaskin says the party had to be persuaded to abandon its climb and was airlifted from Haast Hut this morning. He joins me now. LIVE
The Education Minister Trevor Mallard says the large drop in the number of Chinese students wanting to come and study here is something to worry about, but is also the price the education sector is paying for relying so heavily on one market. Latest figures show that the number of new visa applications from Chinese students intending to study here next year is down to around 11 thousand - about half this year's number. This follows the high profile [illegible] this year of two private New Zealand language schools and publicity over the poor quality of some student care. Education New Zealand which promotes this country as a study destination says more schools will probably close. Spokesperson Stuart Boag says the drop off in visa applications isn't surpising. CUT
Education Minister Trevor Mallard visited China in September to try to ease concerns about the New Zealand market - I asked him if the visit could now been seen as a failure. PREREC
The United States has gone to a heightened state of alert from terrorist attacks warning Americans that there was a high risk militants might launch attacks that could be worse than the September 11 attacks in 2001. The country is now on the second highest state of alert. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said the decision was made in light of new intelligence from terrorist groups who themselves expect an attack. The decision is also leading to new criticism from the White House. Our Washington correspondent Owen Fay reports. PKGE
A prowler who attacked sleeping women in south Wellington homes has today been jailed for seven years. Timi Manuera Carroll, aged 23, was convicted of 13 charges, including indecent assault, sexual violation and burglary, relating to five victims. Here's our court reporter David Venables. PREREC
A spate of arsons in tinder dry Canterbury is forcing some rural people to rethink their holiday plans because they are too frightened to leave their homes unoccupied. A week ago, 300 people were evacuated and one home destroyed after a huge blaze tore through West Melton near Christchurch.
Yesterday fire crews battled several suspected arsons including three large scrub fires in a nearby area. Dorothy Oakley, of the West Melton Residents Association, which represents about 750 families, many living on lifestyle blocks, says one family cut-short their holiday and returned home and others are also considering cancelling their Christmas vacation. PREREC
A hotel in the Cook Islands which has been sitting vacant for the last ten years after the Italian construction company contracted to build it collapsed will finally be completed at the cost of 30 million dollars. A Wellington property developer Tim Tepaki has signed an agreement with the owner of the site to redevelop the old Sheraton Hotel. Elma MaUa reports. PKGE