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This is a seven-hour recording of the coverage of the tangi for the Māori Queen, Dame Te Atairangi Kahu. Morning Report presenter Geoff Robinson is in Ngaruawahia while co-presenter Sean Plunket is in Wellington. Many elements of Morning Report are retained e.g. Pacific News, Rural News, Business News and Sports News.
The recording begins with the 6am news bulletin read by Nicola Wright and the following sports news read by Gary Ahern. News on the hour and half-hour during Morning Report; hourly thereafter.
The live commentary gets under way at approximately 08:48:15 with Eru Rerekura explaining what's happening before Geoff crosses to Natalie Mankelow who describes what's happening at Turangawaewae Marae.
The live coverage continues after the 9am news bulletin (when one of the commentators is Derek Fox). Later, condolences are delivered by the government administrator, Dame Sian Elias, on behalf of the Queen and of Prince Charles, and from the Queen's representative to the Cook Islands.
Live coverage continues after the 10am news bulletin with reports also from Andrew McRae and Todd Niall. This segment of the live coverage ends at approximately 10:35:30.
Nine to Noon continues with normal programme elements until 11am when Geoff resumes commentary of events before a delayed news bulletin, followed by Nine to Noon as normal.
The 2-3pm hour begins with the news bulletin read by Hewitt Humphrey, then at 14:12:30 Todd Niall has a brief report as the river procession reaches the foot of Mount Taupiri.